The team

InfoStat is statistical software developed by a team composed by professors and researchers on applied statistics and biometry of the Agricultural College of the National University of Córdoba, Argentine.

The team:

  • Prof. (MSc) Julio A. Di Rienzo
  • Prof. (Dr.) Fernando Casanoves (since 2003 chief of the Biostatistical Unit-Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanaza, CATIE, Costa Rica)
  • Prof. (Ph.D) Mónica Balzarini
  • Prof. (MSc) Laura Gonzalez
  • Prof.(MSc) Margot Tablada
  • Prof. (Ph.D) Carlos Walter Robledo


 Julio Di Rienzo
Julio Di Rienzo
Mónica Balzarini 
Mónica Balzarini
Laura Gonzalez
 Fernando Casanoves
Fernando Casanoves
Margot Tablada 
Margot Tablada
Carlos Walter Robledo 
Carlos Walter Robledo